Rochester is a cold city, and things are unlikely to warm up anytime soon. Now that the holidays have passed, many people are going to start getting the stir-crazy feeling that happens after you’ve sequestered yourself in a room with a space heater blowing right next to you, watching reruns on Netflix, for too many hours on end. Don’t worry — there is hope before spring finally hits us in June or July. Here are three fun things to do in Rochester NY that won’t rob your wallet this winter.
1. The Little Theatre
The Little Theatre is, without doubt, a city gem. Did you know it’s one of the oldest movie theaters in the entire U.S. to still be running? Even though The Little was established back in 1928, its old-time charm isn’t hampered by old-time dust or poor seating. What we like about The Little, besides the chance to watch more independant films, is its cafe that frequently features live music and performances. Our recommendation though: don’t expect much from the cafe during a snowstorm. It will be pretty dead.
2. Unique Rochester Restaurants
If the closest you’ve gotten to a restaurant lately is the Chinese takeout place on the corner, it’s time to get yourself out the door and into the presence of some quality dining. Are you in the mood for something unique and affordable? Groupon Rochester coupons don’t always excite us, but we found one of real value in the $25 for four people Chocolate and Vines coupon. Chocolate and Vines has a 4/5 rating on Yelp reviews, and your coupon will get you chocolate, desserts, cheese, and pate for four people. Extra tip: on Wednesdays, bottled wines are 20% off.
3. Snow Cheap Trail Race
Are you brave enough to go outside during a Rochester winter? We’re not. But we know people who do. So if you’re okay with snow, one event you might enjoy is the Snow Cheap Trail Race that happens every Wednesday night until March in Cobbs Hill Park. Participants are required to wear headlamps, and you’re allowed to race whether you have snowshoes or no snowshoes. There’s a party after the race, door prizes, and a lot of fun to be had with other winter-lovers. Each race costs $12.00 to participate in.
What fun things to do in Rochester would you recommend? Let us know in the comments.