Did you know that, according to the Democrat and Chronicle, the Rochester area added 1,900 jobs since last January? They also note that employment is typically at its lowest levels in January and February, so it’s likely that a few months down the line, this number will be even higher.
It’s not impossible to find a professional job in the Rochester region, though it can be difficult. There are, however, a few things you can keep in mind in order to net your next job, and not have to resort to selling all your favorite belongings on eBay. Here are several Rochester NY things to do if you’re looking for a job.
1. Career Websites Cannot be Your Only Avenue
Although LinkedIn, CareerBuilder and Monster are popular career tools, you don’t want them to be your only job search method. In an industry callout several months ago, headhunter Nick Corcodilos wrote an article that questioned just how effective these websites truly were, citing that most only connect a small percentage of employees to employers, with Monster at 1.3% of hires, and CareerBuilder at 1.2%. Your best bet is to explore a range of avenues for jobs including online postings on Rochester sites, approaching individual businesses, and reaching out to contacts.
2. Search for Jobs in Unconventional Places
There are many employers who are almost constantly searching for qualified employees, and it can help to get your resume out to these locations so that, if they have an opening, they call you first. Examples of places worth exploring your options? Rochester restaurants, homeless shelters, and the Rochester Zoo. And no, you don’t need to be qualified to work with animals.
3. Get Industry Experience
If you need to get a minimum wage hourly gig to make ends meet, you won’t be the first or last person to do so in Rochester. When competition is high, it can be tough to break in to industries you lack overall experience in. It’s never too soon, though, to get involved so that your resume looks more fresh and full the next time a potential employer takes a look at it. Not only can volunteering and internships give you experience, but they also allow you to make professional contacts throughout the industry, which can be essential for lining up your next job.
Are you looking for hiring places in Rochester? Would you check out the Rochester Zoo? Let us know in the comments.