Author: admin

  • You Can Get Great Deals at the Rochester Public Market

    If you live in the Finger Lakes region, you’re looking for fun things to do in Rochester, and you’ve got shopping in mind, you would do well to consider going to the Rochester NY Public Market. There’s no need for daily coupon deals at the Public Market. Whether you’re buying fresh produce or you’re looking…

  • Public Markets Are a Fun Alternative to Busy Grocery Stores

    As of National Farmers Market Week, which took place in early August this year, there were more than 8,100 farmers markets listed in the Farmers Market Directory maintained by the USDA. That number represents a 3.6% increase from the year before. In fact, going to public markets is one of the most fun things to…

  • When Looking for Something Fun in Rochester, Try the Public Market

    If you ask around for fun things to do in Rochester, many people will tell you to go visit the Rochester farmers market. There are actually several farmers markets in Rochester, including the Brighton Farmers Market, South Wedge Farmers Market, and the Washington Square Farmers market. There are more than 23 in total in and…

  • Fresh Food and Fun at the Rochester Farmer’s Market

    Among the various fun things to do in Rochester, Rochester farmers markets are among the top of the lists for many Rochester citizens. It may not be like the Lilac, Park Ave, or Corn Hill festivals, but the Rochester Public Market is a lot more than a place to by fresh produce from local farmers.…

  • Visit an Outdoor Market for a More Relaxing Shopping Experience

    On a typical day, more than 30 million Americans will head to the grocery store. While some of them are just looking to buy something quick for dinner, others might be stocking their shelves for the week ahead. Whatever the case may be, heading to the grocery store is hardly ever fun, even if you…

  • Need Something To Do This Weekend? Head to the Public Market

    Looking for some fun things to do in Rochester NY this weekend? Look no further than the Public Market Rochester NY has. Not only is the Public Market Rochester one of the best places to find something to do and to buy fresh produce, but it also has a nationally recognized reputation. In 2010, the…